顶尖DJ学校带你认识什么是低保真 Lo-Fi
了解更多的音乐风 格对于职业DJ来讲是很重要的,不仅要对自己领域内的音乐风格了如指掌还要适当的对其他风格的音乐有所了解,作为一名职业DJ,在学DJ初期都会接触一些 不错的类型风格音乐,其中就包含摇滚乐,很多喜欢变形精钢的朋友我想都对林肯公园不陌生,他们的摇滚乐让这部好看的电影更添了几分色彩。
低保真 Lo-Fi
在80年代初90年代末的时候,低保真已经不再只是对某张特定专辑录音质量的描述,它本身就成为了一种流派。贯穿整个摇滚史,唱片的录制往往都是在不合规 格的设备上廉价而迅速地完成的。从这个意义上讲,那些最早的摇滚唱片、60年代绝大部分的车库摇滚和70年代后期许多的朋克摇滚都可以贴上低保真的标签。 然而后来,低保真谈及的是搞地下独立摇滚的一类音乐人,他们用四轨的仪器在家录制其音乐素材。大部分这种音乐发源于80年代的美国地下,包括像R.E.M 这样的乐队;另外还包括一批英国的原型朋克乐队和新西兰的乐队,比如the Chills 和 the Clean. 通常,这些低保真乐队会从简单的流行摇滚歌曲波动到自由形态的歌曲结构或纯粹的噪音与艺术性的实验音乐。尽管这些乐队保持了音乐的相对简单易与直接,但唱 片质量低下的灌制、磁带涂层的声音失真与嘶嘶作响、以及抽象而愚钝的歌词依然使得他们的音乐声音显得不寻常而激进。最开始的时候,低保真的唱片都以自制磁 带的方式进行交易,但也有一些独立的厂牌发布了正式的专辑,最著名的就是由Calvin Johnson经营的,领导了Beat Happening乐队的K Records.80年代末期,一些像Pussy Galore, Beat Happening 和 Royal Trux这样的乐队,在美国地下拥有了一小批狂热的追随者。到1992年,像Sebadoh 和 Pavement 这样的乐队已经通过他们蓄意做出的嘈杂而混乱的唱片成为在英美大受欢迎的崇拜偶像。几年之后,这种低保真美学在Liz Phair 和 Beck的帮助下以一种改进过的更加新型的式样侵占了主流市场。
Lo-fi (from the term "low fidelity") is lower quality of sound recordings than the usual standard for music. The qualities of lo-fi are usually achieved by either degrading the quality of the recorded audio, or using certain equipment. Recent uses of the phrase have led to it becoming a genre, although it still remains as an aesthetic in music recording practice. Many lo-fi artists use inexpensive cassette tape recorders. The term was adopted by WFMU DJ William Berger who dedicated a half hour segment of his program to home recorded music throughout the late '80s under the name lo-fi.
Lo-fi (from the term "low fidelity") is lower quality of sound recordings than the usual standard for music. The qualities of lo-fi are usually achieved by either degrading the quality of the recorded audio, or using certain equipment. Recent uses of the phrase have led to it becoming a genre, although it still remains as an aesthetic in music recording practice. Many lo-fi artists use inexpensive cassette tape recorders. The term was adopted by WFMU DJ William Berger who dedicated a half hour segment of his program to home recorded music throughout the late '80s under the name lo-fi.