顶尖DJ 摇滚乐风格之后朋复兴Post-Punk Revival
了解更多的音乐风 格对于职业DJ来讲是很重要的,不仅要对自己领域内的音乐风格了如指掌还要适当的对其他风格的音乐有所了解,作为一名职业DJ,在学DJ初期都会接触一些 不错的类型风格音乐,其中就包含摇滚乐,很多喜欢变形精钢的朋友我想都对林肯公园不陌生,他们的摇滚乐让这部好看的电影更添了几分色彩。
本期介绍的是“后朋复兴Post-Punk Revival”,顶尖DJ学校收集整理了一些不同风格的音乐的介绍和示例,在此展示给大家互相交流,了解更多请百度“合肥顶尖DJ培训中心”!选择知名DJ学校,教学有保障,来合肥顶尖DJ学校!
后朋复兴 Post-Punk Revival
后朋复兴(Post-Punk Revival)主要指90年代末,2000年后,一些独立乐队吸取一些Post-Punk老乐队的美学机理而旋起的复兴风潮,相对于老乐队,这一批新乐队取得了更好的商业成绩。
The post-punk revival (also described as new wave revival, garage rock revival, or new rock revolution) was a development in alternative rock of the late 20th and early 21st centuries in which bands took inspiration from the original sounds and aesthetics of garage rock of the 1960s and post-punk and new wave of the late 1970s. Bands that broke through to the mainstream from local scenes across the world in the early 2000s included The Strokes, Interpol, The White Stripes, The Hives and The Vines, who were followed to commercial success by many existing and new acts. By the end of the decade, most of the bands had broken up, moved on to other projects or were on hiatus, although some bands returned to recording and touring in the 2010s.
The post-punk revival (also described as new wave revival, garage rock revival, or new rock revolution) was a development in alternative rock of the late 20th and early 21st centuries in which bands took inspiration from the original sounds and aesthetics of garage rock of the 1960s and post-punk and new wave of the late 1970s. Bands that broke through to the mainstream from local scenes across the world in the early 2000s included The Strokes, Interpol, The White Stripes, The Hives and The Vines, who were followed to commercial success by many existing and new acts. By the end of the decade, most of the bands had broken up, moved on to other projects or were on hiatus, although some bands returned to recording and touring in the 2010s.