音乐风格介绍之凯尔特摇滚 Celtic Rock
了解更多的音乐风 格对于职业DJ来讲是很重要的,不仅要对自己领域内的音乐风格了如指掌还要适当的对其他风格的音乐有所了解,作为一名职业DJ,在学DJ初期都会接触一些 不错的类型风格音乐,其中就包含摇滚乐,很多喜欢变形精钢的朋友我想都对林肯公园不陌生,他们的摇滚乐让这部好看的电影更添了几分色彩。顶尖DJ培训中心 在教学初始就鼓励学员多接触不同的音乐风格。
本期介绍的是“凯尔特摇滚 Celtic Rock”,顶尖DJ学校收集整理了一些不同风格的音乐的介绍和示例,在此展示给大家互相交流,了解更多请百度“合肥顶尖DJ培训中心”!选择知名DJ学校,教学有保障,来合肥顶尖DJ学校!
凯尔特摇滚 Celtic Rock
凯尔特摇滚(Celtic Rock),从朋克管弦乐队如the Pogues到纽约/凯尔特的混合物如Black 47到轻微的改变爱尔兰曲调Cranberries,Celtic这些摇滚乐队通过摇滚的韵律结合了爱尔兰演奏乐器来创作音乐,那是狂热与激情,忧郁和浪 漫共存的风格。凯尔特摇滚经常展现出明显的爱尔兰酒吧音乐的特征,但是它也同时描绘了与R&B和另类摇滚并列的流行音乐。
Celtic rock is a genre of folk rock and a form of Celtic fusion which incorporates Celtic music, instrumentation and themes into a rock music context. It has been extremely prolific since the early 1970s and can be seen as a key foundation of the development of highly successful mainstream Celtic bands and popular musical performers, as well as creating important derivatives through further fusions. It has played a major role in the maintenance and definition of regional and national identities and in fostering a pan-Celtic culture. It has also helped to communicate those cultures to external audiences.
Celtic rock is a genre of folk rock and a form of Celtic fusion which incorporates Celtic music, instrumentation and themes into a rock music context. It has been extremely prolific since the early 1970s and can be seen as a key foundation of the development of highly successful mainstream Celtic bands and popular musical performers, as well as creating important derivatives through further fusions. It has played a major role in the maintenance and definition of regional and national identities and in fostering a pan-Celtic culture. It has also helped to communicate those cultures to external audiences.